
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Jonathan Parkhurst
As Safehavn's Founder & CEO, Jonathan is a leader and innovator in the recovery industry. Jonathan owned one of the largest continuums of care sober living companies in Northern California, Stepping Up. In 2015 Stepping up was acquired by Cornerstone Sober living. After being acquired, Jonathan started a consulting firm focused on organizations with a need to scale either top talent or topline revenue. As a strategic partner in talent acquisition and market acquisition, Jonathan led talent growth for companies like Enphase Energy, GoPro, and WeWork. Jonathan served on the Board of Marin County Drug and Alcohol, he is the Northern California Outreach Coordinator for the Black Americans in AA, As a homeless activist. He is also on the Board of Directors for the Homes for the Homeless. He experienced homelessness in San Francisco before going on to become a tech entrepreneur and app innovator. Jonathan is also a veteran of Desert Storm. Today, he is using his experience to give back and help others transition from drug and alcohol addiction, homelessness, and other afflictions.
On today Show we Talk about:
Practical leadership advice can you share with founders around the world?
Struggle with “go to market fit” and how one can go about getting their product out to the masses.
Are there any laws or regulations on the horizon that will help drive sustainability?
Taking on the Homeless epidemic in the US with technology.
Connect with Jonathan
Website https://goseekhaven.com/
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Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account
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Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Alisa was named the #1 Startup Coach in the world at the Thinkers50 Marshall Goldsmith Leading Coaches Awards in London. She was also named one of the Top 30 Global Gurus for Startups. Based in NYC, she coaches startup CEOs, co-founders, other startup executives and board members all over the world. She also coach senior and emerging leaders from Fortune 500 companies. Her clients include Venmo, Foursquare, InVision, Etsy, The Wirecutter (sold to The New York Times), Pfizer, Novartis, Dell, Hitachi, IBM, Calvin Klein, Tory Burch, The New York Times. I also speak at Cornell, Harvard, The Naval War College and am the executive coach for the Runway Program at Cornell Tech.
On today Show we Talk about:
How can praise be Your Secret Superpower?
When measuring performance, what should be measured?
How does a CEO “Manage their Board?”
What should one do when their co-founder, “Can’t keep up”?
What is the CEO megaphone effect?
Connect with Alisa
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/alisacohn/
Website alisacohn.com
Email alisa@alisacohn.com
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Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account
Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount
Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Shownotes for Dylan Malot
Most of what matters in leading a fulfilling life cannot be bought. Healthy bodies, minds and relationships are crucial to happiness, as well as the fruits of creative effort beyond the trappings of prosperity. While business stress is present at every level of wealth, confidence in our financial security allows us to focus on our pursuits, family and community to make the lives of others better.Growing up in a family-owned business—what my father always called the “business school of hard knocks,” I witnessed firsthand the passion, struggles and successes that went into a vibrant middle market business with international operations. That experience, coupled with my fascination for business and investing, has led me to where I am today. I advise entrepreneurs through decisions on what matters most to them and tie their creations to their livelihoods, giving and future endeavors. I build bridges between values and capital—in planning, philanthropy and portfolios.Helping my clients solve problems, deeply understand their choices, and make wise decisions is the best part of being an advisor. I help them navigate their complex financial lives and to be wise stewards of their wealth by deeply understanding their values and how to align their resources with those values. Most of my clients are beyond concerns about their financial security—they are most concerned about making sure that they are capturing the right opportunities, mitigating risk and improving tax efficiency. My advice empowers them to make the right decisions while understanding why they are making them.
We Talk About
What are some of the biggest mistakes founders of companies make when they sell their companies?
What happens to your taxes when there is a valuation “POP” in your startup’s equity?
Should Environment, Social, and corporate governance (ESG) concern a startup founder and their company?
Is there benefits for Startup founders to join ACG?
For informational purposes only; not an advertisement and does not constitute an endorsement of any particular wealth transfer strategy. Bernstein does not provide legal or tax advice. Consult with competent professionals in these areas before making any decisions.
Connect with Dylan
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/j-dylan-malot-a782648/

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Axel Kloth
Axel is a physicist by training, and he is used to the need for large-scale compute. Axel, discovered over 30 years ago that scalability of processor performance was paramount for solving any computational problem. That necessitated a new paradigm in computer architecture. At Parimics, SSRLabs and Axiado he was able to show that new thinking was needed, and what novel practical solutions could look like. He is now repeating that approach with Abacus Semi.
On today Show we Talk about:
What is an Application Programming Interface, an API for short?
Why do we need API’s?
Are there legal issues on use and modification of APIs?
If you are in school right now, studying Computer Science, what would you learn and why?
Where will industry have the most problems in the years to come?
What would be an ideal API?
What are the Pros and Cons of API’s?
Connect Axel
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Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account
Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount
Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Shownotes for Lu Zhang
Lu Zhang is the Founder and Managing Partner of Fusion Fund, a renowned Silicon Valley based investor, a serial entrepreneur and a Stanford Engineering alumna. Fusion Fund is active in supporting early-stage entrepreneurs who are looking to build globally disruptive companies using innovative technologies to drive systemic change originating from the U.S market. For the past couple of years, Lu leads the Fusion Fund team funnels exits of multiple portfolios’ IPO and M&As.
Lu is a World Economic Forum (Davos) Young Global Leader and was also recently selected as the Best 25 Female early stage Investor by Business Insider. She has also garnered other accolades including the Featured Honoree in VC of Forbes 30 Under 30, Silicon Valley Women of Influence, Town & Country 50 Modern Swans – Entrepreneurship Influencer and Top 10 All America Chinese Youth. As one of the top female investors in America, Lu was featured in the book – Women Who Venture, and her story was a case study of UN Women Leaders in Action series. Prior to starting Fusion Fund, Lu was the Founder and CEO of a medical device company focused on non-invasive technology for the early diagnosis of Type II diabetes (acquired in 2012).
Lu is a frequent speaker at tech events and conferences and also serves as a mentor and advisor to several tech innovation programs in Silicon Valley. Lu is also the board member and chairman of the Youth Council of Future Forum and Future Science Award
On today Show we Talk about:
What experiences, education, or background, should a fund manager have?
Techniques or strategies to raising a fund?
How is raising the second fund different from the first?
Secrets for founder or investors on time management or priorities with goals and getting things done?
Connect with Lu
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/luzhangvc/
Website www.fusionfund.com
Twitter @luzhangvc
Shawn Flynn’s LinkedInAccount
Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account
Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount
Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Sam is a CEO coach, interim CEO/CTO/CFO, a Silicon Valley advisor and the author of 21 Secrets of Successful Startups, a book about world-class execution for startups. As a serial entrepreneur, he has been CEO, CTO, or VP Engineering / TechOps for five companies, driving multiple acquisitions. As a hands-on “roll up the sleeves” startup advisor, Sam draws from his 30+ years of successes and failures to train and help entrepreneurs with execution, fundability, fundraising, strategy, product/market fit, product management, finance, operations, legal, talent development and founder wellness.
We Talk About
How did going through a failed acquisition affect the company?
How was your M&A deck different from a fundraising pitch deck?
Why is having multiple offers to choose from important, as the seller of a business?
How does an Investment Banker prep an Owner/ Founder of a company for a sale?
Connect with Sam Wong
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-wong-startup/
Website https://www.fundablestartups.com/
Shawn Flynn’s LinkedInAccount
Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account
Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount
Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Shawn Flynn spent 4 plus years living and conducting business in Beijing, China. While in China, he founded, grew, and profitably exited a successful education company. Shawn moved back to San Francisco to invest his experience, connections, and resources back into the world’s deepest and most vibrant technology ecosystem.
Shawn works with institutions, governments, and various capital sources, to help promote economic growth at a global scale. He is heavily involved in the Silicon Valley technology ecosystem of fast growing, high potential businesses. He has played a pivotal role to help multi-nationals, both pre and post-IPO companies including overseas “Unicorns”, set up operations in Silicon Valley while connecting prominent Silicon Valley companies with strategic and funding sources overseas. Shawn’s contacts, talent, and energy are directed at achieving Global Capital’s Clients’ goal of maximizing shareholder value during liquidity and growth capital events.
Shawn is the founder of the TV show “Silicon Valley Successes” and hosts the podcast “The Silicon Valley Podcast”. He is passionate about building bridges that connect Silicon Valley to the rest of the world.
Shawn holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from UCSD and speaks Mandarin and Spanish. He also holds FINRA Series SIE, 7, 24, 63, and 79 licenses.
On today Show we Talk about:
Key takeaways from interviewing some of the biggest leaders in Silicon Valley.
What’s next for the podcast
Thank you for all the help
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Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account
Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount
Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Steve Schneider joined ZAP as Chief Executive Officer and Director in 2002 helping raise nearly $1 billion and at the same time successfully listing ZAP on the NYSE.
He is the founder of Voltage Vehicles the core of ZAP's business operations. Schneider’s education and early career in the automotive industry include positions with specialty and fuel-efficient automobiles offered by Honda, VW, Renault, Ford, Smart and DeLorean.
Mr. Schneider completed a 51% acquisition of Jonway Automobile. This purchase was first time in history that any foreign company has taken a controlling interest in a Chinese Automobile Mfg Plant. Mr. Schneider next completed the acquisition of 100% of Aptera Electric Car.
He is currently the CEO of Homes 4 the Homeless where they are combining automotive and modular applications for an effective volume solution to the homeless housing crisis as well as rapid rehousing for disaster relief victims.
On today Show we Talk about:
What was it like to raise 1 billion in funding?
How is it different raising capital from China vs the US?
Has the Electric Vehicle market evolved as one would have predicted over the last 20 yrs
Possible solutions to solve the Homeless epidemic that’s growing in the US?
Connect with Steve
Website https://homes4thehomeless.org/
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-schneider-%E5%8F%B2%E8%92%82%E8%8A%AC-%E6%96%BD%E5%A5%88%E5%BE%B7-32321020/
Email Steve@homes4thehomeless.org
Sapien where this was filmed

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Avram Miller served as Vice President, Business Development for Intel Corporation for over a decade, where he was the driving force behind Intel’s successful initiative to establish residential broadband Internet access. In 1991, he co-founded Intel Capital, which became one of the top corporate venture capital groups in the world. When USA Today profiled Miller in March 1996, it referred to him as “A One Man Think Tank” and in the same article, Brian Roberts, CEO of Comcast, gave Miller “much of the credit” for the development of the cable modem.
We Talk About
What was the mission and goals for Intel Capital?
What does it mean to invest in a beautiful house in a bad neighborhood or a bad house in a beautiful neighborhood?
How important Is a succession plan in a company?
If one was born today, how should they go about getting an education?
Connect with Avram
For Book
For more information, visit: www.twothirdsdone.com and www.wildduckflight.com
Publicity Contacts:
Mallory Campoli || Erin Reback Cipiti
856-489-8654 x1030 || x1021

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
On July 26, 2018, Craig Allen began his tenure in Washington, DC as the president of the US-China Business Council (USCBC), a private, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing over 200 American companies doing business with China. Prior to joining USCBC, Craig had a long, distinguished career in US public service.
Craig began his government career in 1985 at the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA). He entered government as a Presidential Management Intern, rotating through the four branches of ITA. From 1986 to 1988, he was an international economist in ITA’s China Office.
In 1988, Craig transferred to the American Institute in Taiwan, where he served as Director of the American Trade Center in Taipei. He held this position until 1992, when he returned to the Department of Commerce for a three-year posting at the US Embassy in Beijing as Commercial Attaché.
In 1995, Craig was assigned to the US Embassy in Tokyo, where he served as a Commercial Attaché. In 1998, he was promoted to Deputy Senior Commercial Officer. In 1999, Craig became a member of the Senior Foreign Service.
From 2000, Craig served a two-year tour at the National Center for APEC in Seattle. While there, he worked on the APEC Summits in Brunei, China, and Mexico. In 2002, it was back to Beijing, where Craig served as the Senior Commercial Officer. In Beijing, Craig was promoted to the Minister Counselor rank of the Senior Foreign Service.
After a four-year tour in South Africa, Craig became Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia at the US Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. He later became Deputy Assistant Secretary for China. Craig was sworn in as the United States ambassador to Brunei Darussalam on December 19, 2014. He served there until July 2018, when he transitioned to President of the US-China Business Council.
Craig received a B.A. from the University of Michigan in Political Science and Asian Studies in 1979. He received a Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University in 1985.
On today Show we Talk about:
We Talk About
What is the extent of high-tech relations between US and China?
What steps are China taking to advance Chinese innovation?
How does the China’s 2017 Intelligence Law, have an impact on technology transfer?
How has the Biden and Trump approach to China relationships been similar and how have they been different?
Connect with Craig
Craig Allen callen@uschina.org
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Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account
Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount
Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

Loving the Opportunity to talk to some of the most interesting people on the plannet :))